TANDEM COMPUTERS UNPLUGGED - A People's History Paperback Version
Tandem Computers Unplugged - paperback (delivery charges to be added at checkout by Paypal)
Tandem Computers Unplugged - A People's History is an oral history narrative extracted from employee social media postings over the last decade, a mountain of press clippings, articles in various Tandem internal publications and the author's personal story. It provides insight into how from the technology, leadership, corporate culture and values perspectives, the minds, hearts and even souls of employees can be ignited, transformed and engaged.
Tandem Computers Unplugged - A People's History is an oral history narrative extracted from employee social media postings over the last decade, a mountain of press clippings, articles in various Tandem internal publications and the author's personal story. It provides insight into how from the technology, leadership, corporate culture and values perspectives, the minds, hearts and even souls of employees can be ignited, transformed and engaged.